Friday, March 27, 2009

What You Must Know Before Trying the Sonoma Diet! Click Here!!

By Jessica A. Andersen

The Sonoma Diet is similar to the South Beach Diet. As with most diets, picking the right food is a big part of the weight loss challenge. The Sonoma Diet differs from other plans because it make eating and preparing food an experience. That is, you are taught not just to enjoy eating but to enjoy choosing the food as well as preparing it.

This diet instructs you to appreciate many different kinds of food. You learn to combine food in novel ways which keeps your eating experience from getting too boring. This idea is stolen directly from the Mediterranean diet plan. Here are the do not encourage eating the same boring food day after day. You will have a variety of foods to choose from and learn to enjoy them.

The plan is divided into sections or "waves". The first wave is the most restrictive. The first ten days or roughly two weeks of the plan is when the body learns to evaluate food all over again. The body is purged of high fat, high calorie, and sugary foods. This has to be taught again since we live in a society that offers fast food alternatives for busy people and pre-packaged meals to cut down on cooking time. Weight loss is drastic during this phase.

Now most of the weight you lose in these first two weeks is due to water loss, but a good percentage of the weight you lose his due to fat loss. As you continue to diet you will learn about the makeup of foods and how different types of foods make you gain weight. To maintain and keep off the weight you have already lost, you will begin the next wave of the Sonoma Diet.

The second wave comprises the longest phase of the Sonoma diet plan. Participants stay in this wave until they have reached their weight loss goals, much the same as the South Beach diet plan. There are no real restrictions during this phase except of course sticking with no high fat and calorie foods.

Most people use the largest plate that they can for meals and fill every available space on it with food. This is how we overeat and gain weight. The Sonoma diet advocates using a smaller plate to begin with and filling that with food in specific proportions. The trick is that we feel like we have enough food if the plate is full. A smaller plate will fill with less food but the mind is still tricked into believing that we have enough food on the plate because it is full.

The last and final wave of the Sonoma diet is called the maintenance phase. Participants will learn how to keep off the weight that they've lost and to continue to enjoy all the foods that they learn to love during the other phases of the diet. The Sonoma diet plan website provides support for its dieters. Their website contains dieting tools like recipes, many planners, and lists of fantastic healthy foods to eat while on the diet.

Exercise is not a big deal on this eating plan. Exercise is important but the Sonoma diet plan emphasizes changes in food consumption as the basis for weight loss. Adding an exercise routine to the new eating habits can only increase weight loss and overall health.

When you visit my site today make sure you sign up for our free newsletter because you will receive a free gift. Free diet software! And when you visit today you will receive fantastic information about diets, recipes, exercise, and nutrition. Click on the links below now!

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List of 7 Fat Burning Foods - Let Foods Burn Fat For You

By Thong M. Dao

Experts say there are two basic categories of foods that can be considered fat burning foods because they fill the tummy without piling on the calories: fruits and vegetables. And what nutrient gives fruits and vegetables that power? Fiber.

Fat burning foods like fruits and vegetables contain fiber. Therefore, fiber might well be the fat burning nutrient. Now do you know the second category? Let me give you a clue, the best fat burning food that curbs your appetite. Hmm... could it be protein?

In order for the body to burn fat faster, we need a metabolism boost. And that's what protein can do quite well. There is one drawback, however. Too much protein adds more weight. Be careful, we want to lose weight, not gain weight.

Check out the following list of fat burning foods. These choices will help you shed the fat off pretty fast.

1. Green tea. Green tea is a great drink, hot or cold. It contains catechins which may help jump start your weight loss. Catechins are helpful phytochemicals which motivate the body to burn calories and decrease body fat.

2. Broth- or tomato-based soups. Soups can help reduce hunger before meals and increase feeling of fullness.

3. Low-calorie green salads. Let's start off by saying "please, do not load your low-calorie salads with croutons, fatty dressings and cheese", or it will be counter-productive. I highly recommend you add high fiber content such as sunflower seeds. This way you will curb any cravings later.

4. Low-fat yogurt. Including dairy products as part of a healthy diet may promote our weight loss efforts. Choosing a light yogurt may help fight off hunger pangs due to its combination of protein and carbohydrate.

5. Beans. If you're looking for something that has fiber and protein all in one, I'll give you beans. Plus, they keep the hunger at bay between meals.

6. Not just water, but your lifeline. Water is highly important to your body. You must drink water, like it or not. And you can always spice it up. Have you ever considered placing a couple of sliced peaches or oranges in your water? The most commonly used are lemon, limes or unsweetened flavor packets. The more you drink, the more your body loves you.

Your body produces toxins and the best way to remove them is water. Another outstanding benefit water provides is in the stomach. So as you're working toward weight loss and feel hungry between meals, drink up. You'll be glad you did.

7. High-fiber, whole-grain cereal. To some it tastes like cardboard but high-fiber, whole-grain cereal will give your body a jump start. Don't knock it until you try. Whole grains help enhance fiber and your daily nutritional intake. No time for breakfast? A bowl of cereal will get the job done.

I hope the above fat burning foods list can help.

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Would All Natural Weight Loss Pills Work for Me?

By Anna Sleuth

If you are wondering why anyone would consider using all natural weight loss pills or even just read a weight loss pill review, you obviously have not heard about the rate of obesity and how it has skyrocketed lately, especially the past couple of years in particular.

Times have changed from the rationing times of the 2 world wars and food is in abundance now, as can be seen by the gigantic portion sizes shovelled onto our plates these days. On top of this, the food we eat is completely greasy and fool of butter now - it's revolting.

But before you admit defeat, head to Burger King, and accept obesity gracefully (if this is possible), there are some measures you can take to stop it in it's tracks. Eat smaller, healthier portions, and start taking all natural weight loss pills with a glass of water before each meal.

Why Should I do this?

Well most all natural weight loss pills help the digestive system so that less of your food is stored as fat. And they are also very convenient as they can always be found in the health food section of your local supermarket.

One of the best features of all natural weight loss pills is that you will often notice results as soon as a day after you have taken it, and everyone wants to get inspired by fast results.

Don't be restricted to what you find in the supermarkets however, there is a plethora of all natural weight loss options out there on the world wide web for to take a look at and review. But if you find something on the internet that you think looks quite good and will work for you, then you must print it out or write it down and show your doctor.

Your doctor will be able to research the all natural weight loss pills that you've found on the internet and tell you whether you should be taking this type of pill or not.

Be prepared to make some changes to your diet and to your activity levels whilst you are taking your new all natural weight loss pill. What? You thought all you had to do was pop a pill. Sadly notfor awesome results, start walking more and eating less junk.

By drinking plenty of water (to flush out toxins), eating clean foods like wholemeal breads and fruit & veg, you will allow the all natural weight loss pills to have the desired affect you are after - looking thinner.

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A history of hair tansplant

By Dr. Patrick Treacy

A large number of men will experience what is known as male pattern baldness at some stage in their lives. While there is no doubt that that some men will find it upsetting to lose their hair, at least the condition is quite common among men. For women, on the other hand, hair loss, especially when it is sudden, can often be very traumatising. Fortunately, newer methods of treatment such as 'single follicular transplant' and 'genetic predictability screening' have become available, which now means a patient can be treated many times and technically does not have to go bald. A lot of these newer techniques have been perfected in Dublin. Rejuvenate Magazine spoke with Dr. Patrick Treacy about the option of the new H+ method of hair transplantation.

First, why do we actually lose our hair?

There are numerous factors that contribute to the cause of hair loss in both males and females but genetic pattern baldness accounts for nearly 95% of all hair loss in men, as well as affecting millions of women. Androgenetic alopecia in women rarely leads to total baldness and the pattern of hair loss differs from male-pattern baldness. In women, the hair becomes thinner all over the head, and the hairline does not recede.

Tell us more about androgenetic alopecia?

There are a variety of genetic and environmental factors that are likely play a role in causing androgenetic alopecia. Although we know risk factors that may contribute to this condition, most of these factors remain unknown. Researchers have determined that this form of hair loss is related to hormones called androgens, particularly an androgen called dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

How do genes play a role in hair loss?

It was previously believed that baldness was inherited from the maternal grandfather. While there is some basis for this belief, it is now known that both parents contribute to their offspring's likelihood of hair loss. Large studies in 2005 and 2007 showed the importance of the maternal line in the inheritance of male pattern baldness. German researchers called the main 'balding' gene, 'ARG' or the androgen receptor gene. The presence or absence of a specific variant in this gene is related to baldness.

What is the H+ method?

This is a good question. Studies show nearly all men have some baldness by the time they are in their 60s. However, the age the hair loss starts is variable. One large Australian study showed the prevalence of mid-frontal hair loss increases with age and affects about three in ten 30 year old males and half of 50 year old males.

With evolving techniques like the newer single hair follicle extraction technique, follicles are extracted one by one from the donor area (back of the head) and re-implanted with the unique patented devices. The H+ method is based on the use of genetic testing as a means of screening, the use of growth factors, 633nm light for fibroblast stimulation and the use of quality control during the hair transplant procedures. The hair transplant doctor needs only a single surgical assistant to help him during the follicle hair transplants. The procedure also ensures maximum care to the grafts. The hair transplant doctor can decide upon the exact number of grafts to be removed while he is removing them one-by-one.

The H+ genetic test can predict a patients risk for hair loss or thinning. Because single follicular hair implants can be used multiple times and it is not limited as in methods like strip surgery this means a patient can theoretically never be allowed to go bald again. Patients should remember by the time hair loss or thinning is noticeable - almost 50% of your hair could be gone and the genetic test will help predict a patients hair loss before you can see any visible hair loss

The best thing about the H+ method is that the hair extraction is simple, painless, and the donor area heals within 2-4 days. Individual hair follicles are removed one by one using the H+ Extractor and Implanter by a surgeon who is wearing high magnification loupes. Patients can listen to music, watch tv and enjoy a light lunch during the procedure, which is completed in four to six hours. There is absolutely no risk of nerve damage because scalpels or stitches are not used.

The most popular medical treatment is Minoxidil (Rogaine), which is available in 2% and 5% topical solutions. Unfortunately, cosmetically useful hair is obtained in only about one third of cases and Minoxidil must be used indefinitely to maintain a response. Another treatment involves taking Finasteride (Propecia) 1 mg tablets and given once daily. Hair loss drugs like Propecia work by inhibiting the creation of DHT in our bodies. By reducing the amount of DHT that can affect a man's hair follicles, hair loss can be slowed or even stopped.

Body hair follicular grafts have shown growth patterns similar to head hair with no difference in texture but are usually used for enhancing the density in the posterior region of the scalp rather than the hair line. Hair regrowth will be seen after 16 weeks, depending in part on how quickly the capillaries form around the newly relocated follicular units. This newly transferred hair grows naturally in its new location for the rest of the patient's life.

Hair transplantation is a surgical technique that involves moving sections of skin containing hair follicles from one part of the body (the donor site) to bald or balding parts (the recipient site). It is primarily used to treat male pattern baldness, whereby grafts containing hair follicles that are genetically resistant to balding are transplanted to a bald scalp. However, it is also used to restore eye lashes, eye brows, beard hair and to fill in scars caused by accidents and surgery such as face lifts and previous hair transplants.

This is the interesting thing about this technique. We can do one session or ten sessions depending on the needs and requirements of the client. In the end it really depends on the size of the balding area, donor yield and the goal of the patient. In order to achieve a greater density, I would suggest starting treatment early and plan at least two or three sessions over the next six or seven years, so in effect you never really become bald.

Modern hair transplantation began in the 1950s based upon the pioneering work of New York dermatologist Dr. Norman Orentreich who demonstrated that such grafts were "donor dominant," - the idea that grafts continue to show the characteristics of the donor site after they have been transplanted to a new site. This principle provides the basis for all hair transplant surgery. Although "donor dominance" insured that transplanted hair will continue to grow, it did not insure that the results would look natural.

Why did transplants by 'punching' stop?

Because the H+ technique may continue to place hair over a longer period we have decided to allow patients to join a 'Samson' club. This means they can contribute about 25 per week for six months and we will provide interest free financing to cover the rest of the cost. Plans usually this run over a 3-5 year period making it very easy for the patient to finally achieve his aesthetic goals

Tell me about punch transplants?

The punch technique continued during the 1960's, although the size of the punch was reduced in order to improve the survival of the hairs in the central part of the graft. For the next pedriod, surgeons worked on transplanting smaller grafts, but results were only minimally successful, with 2-4 mm "plugs" leading to results that were often "pluggy" and unnatural and was referred to as a "doll's head" or "corn-row" look.

What are the 'minigrafts' and micrografts technique?

With microscopic dissection of donor pieces from an excised portion of scalp, individual follicular units containing but 1-4 hairs could be prepared and individually relocated into needle punctures in the recipient areas. Since the transplanted hair mimics the way hair grows in nature, close to natural results were attainable. By the year 2000, Follicular Unit Transplant (also referred to as FUT) by the strip technique was more firmly established and respected due to its ability to produce more natural results. However, because the procedure was more labour intensive and time consuming than mini-micrografting, it was adopted slowly by the medical community.

What transplant technique is the best in your opinion?

The strip method is really an invasive surgical procedure requiring the attendance of a plastic surgeon and general anaesthesia. During the procedure, a long strip of scalp, approximately 20- 25 cm in length and 1 cm to 2.5 cm in width of hair-bearing skin is removed from the donor area using a scalpel, cutting through nerves and major blood vessels of the scalp. The donor area is then sutured (stitched) closed and approximately 30 days are required for full healing. In order to avoid stretching of the donor scar, two layers of donor stitches must be used and left in the skin for at least two weeks.

What is the 'strip' method of hair transplant?

. Should a patient shave their hair short in the donor area, a line or scar will always be visible. A patient forever gives up the option to shave their head or have a short haircut after a strip procedure. Although there are many good proceduralists of this technique, I personally would consider 'strip surgery' an out-dated procedure.

What is the best hair transplant treatment now?

Over the past few years unit follicular hair transplant has emerged as the most reliable hair transplant procedure of hair transplantation surgery. As the name suggests, the graft in this case consists of a single follicular unit as it exists in nature. The follicular unit contains sebaceous glands as well as nerve and blood tissue. It is for this reason that it needs to be extracted as an intact unit and transplanted as an intact unit, to be able to grow into a hair. There are basically two types of technique.

1 Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is a hair restoration procedure where hair is taken from a single donor strip or extracted directly from the donor area.

Follicular unit extraction is simple and painless, with the donor area healing within 2-4 days as compared to 7-8 days required for follicular hair transplants using the graft extraction technique. There is also no risk of nerve damage being caused by the hair transplant procedure.

1 Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is a hair restoration procedure where hair is transplanted exclusively in its naturally occurring groups of 1-4 hairs.

This is a difficult question to answer as there are proponents of both techniques. Although, FUT is considered an advance over the 'mini-micrografting' hair transplant procedure, many transplant doctors do not consider it as advanced as FUE because the technique still requires larger areas of the scalp to be removed than single follicle extraction. Proponents of the FUT technique say that there are also problems inherent in removing individual follicular units with small punches. First, any significant variation between the incident angle of the punch and the exiting hair can result in graft transection. It is known that it is difficult to keep the punch parallel to the follicles throughout the entire length of the graft as the visual cues used to guide one's hand are lost once the punch passes into the depths of the tissue. Another disadvantage of both follicular techniques is the requirement of long hours of time and skilled teams of assistants for the preparation of 3,000 odd follicular hair transplants through dissection. My feeling is that the final result is very operator related.

What is the H+ method?

There are proponents of both techniques. Although, FUT is considered an advance over the 'mini-micrografting' hair transplant procedure, many transplant doctors do not consider it as advanced as FUE because the technique still requires larger areas of the scalp to be removed than single follicle extraction.

What is the H+ transplant method?

One advantage of the H- transplant procedure is that it allows the hair transplant surgeon to extract as many grafts as is actually needed and on average, we usually extract and place 3,000-5,000 hairs per day.

How many sessions will be necessary before hair restoration is complete after the H+ method?

This is the interesting thing about this technique. We can do one session or ten sessions depending on the needs and requirements of the client. In the end it really depends on the size of the balding area, donor yield and the goal of the patient. In order to achieve a greater density, I would suggest starting treatment early and plan at least two or three sessions over the next six or seven years, so in effect you never really become bald. The numbers of sessions being one or more is aided by the use of genetic programming and special camera densitometry equipment to see under the skin and fully inform the patient of his or her total available donor hair. In each session, the follicles are inserted between existing hairs or previously placed hairs and generally placed up to 1mm apart.

How many sessions are required for the H+ method?

How many sessions are needed before hair restoration is complete after the H+ method?

What price is the H+ technique?

About 3 per follicle

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What To Eat Of Poultry And Dairy Products In Low Fat Diet? Healthy Living Part 6

By Haiyan Lai-Heskin

Poultry and dairy products are very good source for a low fat diet, if you know what to eat which we are going to describe it in this part of healthy living.

Poultry is low fat, high in protein and is a useful source of B vitamins. Chicken and turkey are excellent sources of animal proteins for low-fat, low-cholesterol content, provided lean poultry is used. The dark meat of poultry is higher in fat content than white meat. Skin should be discarded. Giblets are very high in fat content.

Duck and goose are always considered fatty meat, but if you are on a diet I suggest you use skinless breast fillets, because that will cut down the calorie content of this meal hugely; skinless duck and goose are actually very lean.

As a matter of fact, the fat from chicken and turkey, even though much less quantitatively than that in meat, is best drained off and removed in the same manner as in the preparation and cooking of all meats.

Eggs contain most of the recognised vitamins with the exception of vitamin C and most of the minerals that the human body requires for health. Egg whites, which are proteins, may be eaten and used for cooking as much as desired. But you should avoid egg yolk which contains one of the most concentrated forms of fat available?namely cholesterol.

Milk and dairy products are providers of?calcium, phosphorous, magnesium and protein which are all essential for healthy bone growth and development. One pint or more daily of non-fat or skim milk should be taken. Use fortified milk with added amounts of vitamin A and D, as now commonly in use. Buttermilk is also a refreshing source of milk with an exceedingly low-fat content.

Cheese is a naturally nutrient?rich food and provides energy and nutrients within relatively small quantities. The majority of cheeses are very high in butterfat content and so cannot be used in the low-fat diet, as they are made mostly from the milk of cows but also other mammals, including sheep, goats, buffalo, reindeer, camels and yaks.

Nonetheless, some cheese like cottage cheese is one of the several important exceptions. It is a soft, fresh-curd variety of cheese that has been made from dry curd and non-fat milk, specified by federal law and must contain a minimum amount of butterfat to meet legal requirements. And it has long been popular with the dieting crowd.

When you buy and use cottage cheese, one thing you should always check is whether they are creamed or not. The creamed cottage cheese of course does contain fat. The failure to notice that is the most frequent pitfalls in the use of cottage cheese.

Cheese made from milk whey and a favourite of Italian cooks, those various brands of cottage cheese such as "Slim Cheez" or Ricotta Cheese which taste like creamed cottage cheese can be used for low-fat menus. Some cheese spreads or dips which made from non-fat or cottage cheeses are also very good choices for low fat diet.

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Why Exercise is Good for Weight Loss

By Dana Thinny

The beauty ideal of our modern age is skinny. All models, many Hollywood stars, all magazine cover girls are thin. This is how it comes that most of today's women have this obsession of losing weight, in order to get accepted in the society.

What can you possibly do if you are not thin and your constitution shows that you never will be, no matter how many diets you'd be willing to follow? You can get a flat stomach. If your belly is flat, then the other rounded shapes are beautiful. The belly is the one that makes fat people look ugly.

Beauty has changed with times. Our grandmothers' beauty is not ours and our standard has few in common with the one of our daughters. This is how generations fight for their right to look like they want. Many times, this standard leads to obsessions or severe nutritional troubles, which can influence the quality of life, if not properly diagnosed and treated.

Having a beautiful, flat stomach needs a bit of attention on a daily basis. Diets don't help eliminating the fat which has been accumulated on your abdomen. This fat will disappear only by suitable exercises, done regularly.

If you are in good health, then you can make your abdomen flat in less than half a year. Work your body, do a lot of cardio, live healthily and eat with measure. you'll see the difference, not only in your belly, but also in your mood.

Reading fitness magazines won't make you slim, even if you follow the advice you may read inside. For best results, you need the help of professionals. Get a nutritionist to work with you in making your healthy diet. Get a personal trainer to define together your best fitness program. Then get the motivation to keep on going.

One fact to be considered is your need to have flat abs. Maybe it is just a moment's wish and not a permanent ideal of yours. If this is the case, you can give up losing weight and flattening your abs, because you won't get happier.

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What good are muscle building supplements anyway?

By Jon Cardozo

Recently I read a book on goal setting, and it had some important insights I wanted to share with you. The author provided many tips on setting a goal properly, including writing it down on paper, breaking it into smaller chunks, and identifying the obstacles that you'll need to overcome to reach the goal. However, one concept that stuck with me was the emphasis on long-term achievements instead of short term gains.

Like many people, I usually focused on the short term results of my actions rather than focusing on a long-term investment. Basically, if a project didn't work out immediately, I would get discouraged or distracted and move on to something else. After all, there's always something new and exciting to drag you away. Now, how exactly does this tie into strength training or muscle building?

In previous articles I mentioned the importance of following the fundamentals for weight gain and strength training instead of looking for a wonder supplement. I wanted to emphasize that achieving huge muscle gains is about following the proper diet (increasing calories and protein) and gradually lifting heavier weights.

In order to better understand this, it's helpful to look into the psychology behind muscle building supplements. That is, it's helpful to understand why people purchase them.

Unfortunately, it seems that human nature is to look for a shortcut or silver bullet that will give us the results that we want without the hard work. This is absolutely relevant to bodybuilding supplements, because most trainees are looking for an easy way out instead of focusing on the fundamentals. If you try to look for a muscle building supplement to do all the work for you, you really are wasting your time and money. When you think about how simple (although not easy) natural weightlifting methods are, it really is unnecessary to focus on supplements. It all comes back to self discipline and trying to achieve a goal slowly over time.

Many experts trainers who have the muscles to back up their theories are warning us about trying to rely on supplements. Supplements will have only a slight benefit for the advanced bodybuilder, and they might have zero benefit for a beginner.

Even if you're an advanced trainer, supplements are only going to help slightly. The fundamental components have not changed and never will. Resistance training and nutrition may not be that glamorous, but they are the fundamentals that will help you achieve success.

I hope you're not disappointed if you're expecting to find some magical secret for delivering bodybuilding results. The truth is that there really aren't that many secrets out there. The real secret is that most people are not willing to practice due diligence and go through the hard work to achieve their goals. Simply sticking to it, otherwise known as persistence, is far more valuable than any muscle building pill you could buy. I know, it's not as seductive or eye catching, but getting back to the fundamentals is the key to success.

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Cabbage Soup Diet, Another One Of The Low To No Carb Diets

By Christine G. Shannon

The Cabbage Soup Diet is something you have probably already heard of by this time. Most people lose some weight in the first couple of weeks. Unfortunately, most people lose interest in this diet after a short time and quickly regain the weight. This is similar to the results seen in other low to no carb diets. If a diet is to be effective over the long term, it has to offer enough variety to be enjoyable.

This diet is well known as a fat burning soup diet, being that it contains ingredients which are believed to help the body burn off fat. However, other than the cabbage soup, dieters on this regimen do not have a lot of dietary choices besides low to no carb foods such as fruits and vegetables.

When taking a closer look at the recipe for this cabbage soup or fat burning soup, it is clear that this can be considered a low to no carb diet. The soup includes fat burning vegetables like onions, peppers, tomatoes and cabbage. You can also substitute other cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower or broccoli for the cabbage. Spices and hot sauce can be added to liven up the soup.

This is a diet which is very low in carbohydrates, which your body converts to sugar - the unused energy is then stored as fat. This is a low carb vegetable soup, made with ingredients which encourage your body to burn fat and lose weight. It works for most, but since most of these dieters quickly lose interest in the diet, it is only effective in the short term.

Here's how the cabbage soup diet works: you can eat all the soup you like whenever you're hungry. Other than this, there are different things which you can eat depending on the day of the week. On day one, you can have fruit (except for bananas), on day two you can have vegetables except for peas, corn and beans. On day two you can also have a baked potato with dinner, to trick your body into thinking that you are still eating carbohydrates.

On Day 3, you guessed it, soup, fruits and vegetables and Day 4 is soup, bananas and skim milk. On Day 5, it is low fat meat and tomatoes, with soup, of course, and Day 6 is soup, meat and green leafy vegetables. The final day, Day 7, is soup and brown rice. This diet is not a plan you can stick with very long, because if you don't lose interest due to lack of variety, you would eventually suffer mal-nutrition.

The cabbage soup diet is just like any of the low to no carb diets, in the fact it restricts the carbohydrates, which the body turns to sugar for energy or stores in fat cells. The diet doesn't restrict how often you eat, which is likely to be often, as long as it is soup, or the fruit/vegetable of the day.

The best diets for helping you to lose weight over the long term are those which add fat burning foods while letting you have variety and meeting all of your nutritional needs. One such diet is Fat Loss 4 Idiots that you should check out quickly at the link below, which has helped thousands to lose weight without getting burned out on their diet.

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Moving Beyond the Hair Loss, Men

By Chad Yodene

This is truly a traumatic subject for most men who discover that they are, in fact, balding. Why? Well look around. Everywhere you go--grocery stores, shopping malls, movies, and football games--you can't find balding men with hair loss en vogue. No. Guys everywhere are living a sort of hell on earth trying to live up to the modern-day demands of having it all (staying young, healthy and great-looking). But hair loss is a fact of life for most men. And male pattern baldness accounts for 95 percent of men who are losing their hair. There are a couple of ways that hair loss men can go through diagnosis.

How do you know that you have male pattern baldness (MPB)? Typically MPB is based upon the way it appears. You can also tell by how prevalent it's been in your family. So if you have a history of it and you're following the pattern of baldness, well, then you have male pattern baldness.

There are several ways to determine if you have MPB. You can have your dermatologist examine under your scalp with a magnifying instrument called a densitometer. It assesses the the size of your hair follicle to see how much it has shrunk. Or you can visit a hair loss clinic for a scalp biopsy to diagnose the cause of your hair loss. But before you rush off to a clinic keep in mind that this analysis will only assess the possibility of poison-induced hair loss such as lead or arsenic which is very rare. Poisoning does not cause male pattern hair loss.

You can also determine for yourself if you are following thinning according to MPB by testing it against the Norwood Scale. This is a great tool for diagnosing male pattern baldness and avoiding misdiagnosing it. The Norwood Scale is a series of depictions as follows. In the beginning your hair will start to recede along the front of the hairline at the top and on the sides. As that continues, you will notice another bald spot starting from the other end, at the crown of your head. So as your hair at the top of your scalp continues to recede, there will be a thin band of hair separating the hair loss in the front of your scalp from the bald spot at the crown until you are totally hairless from end to end. Picture one giant horseshoe-shaped bald region at the top of your head which will leave you with hair only around the sides and back.

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Most Popular Diet Plans, Aren't The Most Effective? True!

By Jessica A. Andersen

It is nearly impossible to flip on the television today and not see an advertisement of one kind or another for a weight loss plan. If all these plans worked are there so many? the best that I can give you in order to pick the best diet is right for you is to know how your body works. Directly below I've outlined some of the most popular weight-loss programs available online and below I have provided links to highly successful ones you had never heard of.

1. Jenny Craig. This one has been in the news quite frequently of late. Between Kirstie Alley and Valerie Bertinelli, everyone has heard and seen what Jenny Craig can do for you. The monthly fee may be twenty dollars, but the cost of food is what will get you. Still, the program combines good food provided by the center with salads, low fat dairy, lots of water, fruits, and exercise. You can speak with a counselor about your progress when you go for your weigh-ins.

2. Weight Watchers. This diet by far has been a very successful. Almost no food is off limits. The points system, developed by Weight Watchers, lets you eat anything you want as long as you do not eat more than a daily point value assigned to your weight group. this fun as great literature and informative meetings that instruct members how to eat benefits as they can eat more, not be hungry and not gain weight. Exercise is not a large part of this diet even though it's encouraged. My advice, however, is to always exercise. Even if it's just a little. Everyday, each little bit helps more than you know it's a vital part of your day and will improve your life.

3. South Beach. This diet has attracted a lot of people mostly because of the idea that they can lose up to thirteen pounds in the first two weeks. The first two weeks are the most restrictive of the entire program. The idea is to reprogram the body to metabolize food. Slowly, the foods that were restricted are added back in to balance out the diet. It also helps that South Beach has gone mainstream with products like frozen meals, bars, and cereals on grocery store shelves.

4. Nutrisystem. This diet focuses on the glycemic index. This is a rating system that describes the nature of carbohydrates. A carbohydrate that scored highly on this index is one it releases its energy extremely quickly. When you eat these foods causes a rush of sugar into the blood. You get a burst of energy than you crash quickly and you are hungry again almost immediately. the diet provides you with prepackaged food that contains exactly the correct amount of low glycemic index carbohydrates in order to provide you with a stable energy burn. You will not experience a sugar rush, you'll feel more satisfied, and you will not be hungry when you eat these low glycemic index prepackaged meals.

Which one is for you? If you have questions about which diet is right for you visit my site to learn more. At my site, there is fantastic information about all of these diets. And you'll learn more about exercise, nutrition, and health. When You visit today and sign up for my newsletter I'll give you free diet software. Click on the links below now!

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Is Low-Fat or Low-Carb the Way to Go?

By Dr. Bill

Last Friday night, after finally finishing the last leg of my journey and coming home to Long Island, I checked my email and found many emails with questions about low-fat, no-fat, and low-carb diets.

First of all, no fat diets are dangerous, and you really shouldn't even attempt anything like that except under strict medical supervision. Even then, I'm hard pressed to think of why it would be necessary.

Fat is very important for the body to function optimally, but the question remains: how much fat is enough? For almost the last forty years, the medical community has been recommending a low amount.

The medical consensus on carbs was essentially the same. The long-held belief was that a diet that followed the high-carb, low-fat rule would be the best way to achieve weight loss. You can look around and see for yourself how unsuccessful that theory has been.

Truly, the most essential factor in a successful diet is BALANCE.

When we speak of balance, we are speaking of the balance of fat, protein, and carbohydrates.

I have gone over this before, but it bears repeating: the best foods are those that are closest to their natural state. Essentially, that means choosing unprocessed food over processed food. A baked sweet potato is close to its natural state. Potato chips are not. Fresh fish with grilled vegetables would be classified as food that is close to its natural state, but breaded, fatty frozen fish sticks are not.

An excellent way to judge healthy food versus unhealthy food is whether or not it comes in a package. Simply put, packaged food is generally unhealthy. Look at the ingredients: packaged food typically contains trans fats and high fructose corn syrup -- both of which are highly detrimental to your health.

Most low fat items have high sugar contents. They're always sweet, which makes them palatable, and the same rule applies to no fat. Sugar, or a sugar substitute, is always in the mix.

Low-carb foods most often contain a sugar substitute as well, and they tend to taste just awful. In order to eat them, you really have to persuade yourself that they taste good. I'd rather not.

You can eat almost any food as long as it doesn't come in a package mixed with other ingredients. Frozen vegetables, as long as they're just vegetables, is A-okay. Frozen vegetables mixed in a sauce, is not. The sauce, if you can call it that, is mixed with all kinds of things that make the sauce stable, and you fat. More often than not, there are more calories in the sauce, than in the vegetables.

Even though vegetarianism is considered to be a healthy way of life, there are many problems with that type of dietary restriction. Vegetarians often end up with a serious case of under-nourishment and are vulnerable to many other health risks -- all stemming from the fact that they do not eat a balanced diet.

The best way to gain control of your diet is to start slowly, one meal at a time. My friend Nate has some words of wisdom on the subject: "Practice push ups instead of doing sit downs." His message is that when you are full you should push up from the table, not sit down in order to eat more.

My recommendation is that you take a daily dose of pharamceutical-grade enteric coated fish oil which is manufactured to be free of contaminants. Taking this type of fish oil every day will insure that you are getting the omega 3 essential fatty acids that you need to keep you body performing at its very best.

The other day someone referred me to a bodybuilding web site, where the genius bodybuilder who took fish oil was cutting back his dose, because he didn't want to get too much fat in his diet. I guess that's why he's a bodybuilder, because he doesn't even know why he's taking it in the first place. All brawn, no brain.

The truth is, because he is an athlete he needs MORE fish oil, not less. Athletes typically train for hours every day and should be increasing their dosage of fish oil, instead of being concerned about a few extra fat grams. What he doesn't know is that ingesting the proper amount of fat would most likely make him look better and perhaps contribute to his winning a competition. I'm not betting that he'll take this advice.

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The Best Child Board Games

By charlie reese

In today's ever increasing focus on computers and technology, it's important to a child's development to have some hands on experience that goes beyond a keyboard or video game. Young kids are developing motor skills and an understanding of spatial relationships, important components of a healthy, well-rounded transition through various stages of their physical development.

While video games can be stimulating and develop hand-eye coordination, the flat screen of a computer monitor, even with 3D effects, cannot replace physical activity in real time. Social interaction is likewise limited in scope, even when two kids play a game together. On the other hand, children's board games invite much in the way of social interaction. While you'll seldom hear kids squabbling over a computerized result, children's board games provide room for debate, but therein lies great value.

Today, many children have problems with social skills. Plenty of kids still have problems, even in the fourth and fifth grades, with sharing, being gracious, or even civil to friends. Children's board games provide fun venues in which to develop these necessary skills and concepts. Let's take a look at some of the classic children's board games and what opportunities they afford a child.

Monopoly(TM) is perhaps the most famous and beloved of board games. Played by kids and adults alike, this board game gives you an opportunity to spend some quality time with the kids. All games are based on rules, so when arguments and squabbling arise over whether Johnny took more moves than he was allowed, you, the parent, can point out what the rules allow and settle the debate promptly. If your child gives you the old I don't want to play any more! routine, you can call their bluff, explaining that if they want to leave, that's fine, but their pieces, property and money will go back in the pot and can't be retrieved. Then they will have to wait for a new game to begin before they can participate again. Everyone knows how long a game of Monopoly can last! The child must make a choice that ends in a consequence, good or bad.

Scrabble(TM) is another classic. While not specifically a children's board game, many kids love this game of building words. Scrabble(TM) is one where parents can play with the kids and monitor the social interactions at the same time. An older child puts 'grammar' together with their blocks. A younger child yells, Hey! That's not a word!. You can let the youngster know that this is indeed a word, explain what it means and that the older sibling has been learning about grammar in school this year. The older child feels gratified at your acknowledgment and the younger has learned a new word. If the older child decides to rub it in, you can intervene and let that child know that he or she should be more gracious, instead of sticking their tongue out.

Checkers is a centuries old children's board game, which is also played by many an adult. Again, the rules are clear, so there's no room for fudging. Boundaries, such as rules, foster a sense of fairness in dealing with others. This game teaches strategic reasoning, with merit determining the outcome. Kids thus learn that, in the real game of life, dealing fairly with others, using diplomacy instead of belittling and working on the task at hand is the way to go. Children's board games are more than fun. For very little expense, you can teach your kids a variety of social skills that puts them at the head of the class!

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Monday, March 23, 2009

Maintain Your Well Being by Keeping Fit

By Lindelwa Laz

Loving life should entail doing whatever you are able to maintain your health and to do so, you must endeavor to make it a lifelong characteristic to keep fit and healthy. It can be challenge for many just to endeavor and maintain a personal fitness regime and change it into a characteristic but there are ways in which continuing to be fit and healthy can be made a little bit simpler.

Staying fit doesn't always mean endeavouring to kill yourself just going through the round of physical exercises day by day. In order to make a physical fitness routine simpler to follow as a characteristic, there are times when just making it simple is the best way. You do not need to go to the gymnasium just to remain fit because the're simple and easier methods to accomplish this.

What is essential is that you attempt to discover some physical pursuits that you enjoy doing and would enjoy while going through it. The primary concept is to become and stay fit by using your body in a fashion that can permit you to get rid of fat and lose some of that unnecessary weight. It could be as elementary as having a daily stroll in the local park or just by walking around the city by foot instead of by your car. Taking a hike in the woods and employing your bicycle to go places also makes for a good workout especially if you do it frequently.

If you're really dedicated about trying to stay fit and healthy, begin establishing some goals in losing weight but try to be more realistic and particular about it. Sure enough having lofty ends can sometimes be great to think about, but if these goals are too challenging to accomplish, then they won't mean much at all. Attempt to keep your physical fitness ends simple and attempt to set losing a pound each calendar week as a achievable goal. Keeping in mind to stroll at minimum 5 minutes daily can be a goal painless enough to follow but what is essential regarding these aims is that you might be able to attain them. Bit by bit, you then try to reach out for something bigger as you grow used to achieving your elementary goals.

Another way to make it simpler for you to keep fit and healthy is by attempting to record your advancement and being in a position to observe that you are in reality losing weight because getting active can easily strengthen your resolve to continue on. Make sure you have your progress report in a place where you can find it and update often. One fashion to make a habit of keeping fit is by having someone|somebody] to join in with you. Having a friend along or even joining in a group of people trying to keep fit and healthy will make the trait become interesting and enjoyable. The challenge to do better in staying fit and healthy grows attractive if you have somebody|somebody] with you doing the same thing.

Staying fit and healthy doesn't have to be a thing that needs to be boring to do when in point of fact it can be a pleasant enterprise only if you know how to. One of the greatest ways to keep to a fitness regimen is by trying to make it's enjoyable to do, and you can easily follow it on a daily basis if you find it fun.

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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Yes These Secrets Of Fat Loss 4 Idiots Guarantee You Will Lose Ugly Fat!

By Archie Freemen

Losing weight is possible if you keep a careful watch on the foods that you eat and follow some of the guidelines and advice in the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet plan. When it comes to weight loss, finding the science behind how the metabolism works and how calories are burned can be very beneficial for learning how to lose weight. This diet plan will use some of the science that is known about these factors to help you learn how to eat and lose weight in a sensible way. The diet focuses on shifting calories, controlling the types of foods that are eaten and watching the size of portions to help you get control of your diet and weight. The Fat Loss 4 Idiots plan also teaches how the intervals that you eat have an effect on your diet and ability to lose weight.

The first thing that you will learn about dieting is that you have to eat fewer calories than your body is using to function and for exercise. Sounds simple, right? The diet goes on to explain that you may even lose ten pounds in your first week on the plan by simply eating the right foods at the right time in the right portions. The metabolism can be used to your advantage when you choose to use this diet program. Those who use some exercise along with the diet plan will also increase their metabolism and gain some great advantage in losing weight.

Calorie Shifting

The secret to losing weight fast is to trick the metabolism by working with the brains signals about fat burning and fat storing hormones. These hormones will tell you when you are hungry or full. There have been studies that have shown that the metabolism can be on a short two day cycle, which means that if you change the types of foods that you are eating every couple of days, your metabolism will continue to burn calories instead of stopping like other diet plans.

Since the metabolism tries to make up for the deficit calorie intake and function with fewer calories, carbohydrates, and sugar, it will start holding fat stores in the cells, causing a fat loss diet to quit working. This is where many people dont know what to do next. By calorie shifting, such as eating a diet menu that is higher in different components, such as high protein for a couple days, then high carbohydrate for a couple days, the metabolism feels it is getting plenty of fuel to burn for energy.

Using Fat Loss 4 Idiots To Lose Weight

It is a common-sense approach, based on balancing fat burning and nutritional foods. If you control your portion sizes, eat different types of food, several times per day, the metabolism will burn more calories, without the need for strenuous exercise. Many people have lost up to ten pounds by following this fat loss diet.

Of course, walking for fat loss is encouraged, since it will build muscle, which burns calories more efficiently, and is an easy exercise regiment for most people to stick with. By adding an exercise that you like, such as walking, swimming or dancing, you will burn calories quicker when added to a weight control program that is nutritious and consists of foods that are readily available at your grocery store.

This program is easy enough to stick with for a long period of time. It is because the diet uses the foods that you like and is not so restrictive that it is difficult to follow for a long period of time. Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet is an easy and low cost way to lose the weight that you want to lose in a short period of time. You will also learn how to work with your body to lose weight and maintain it for the rest of your life.

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How To Use Weight Loss Motivation For Better Results

By Richard Black

We all start to lose weight with the best intentions. We may, for example, simply want to drop a dress size, to get a bit fitter or to avoid those serious health problems that can arise from being overweight. To begin with, these intentions may work out real well and you may be able to see fantastic weight loss results very quickly.

But, as time passes it can get harder to lose weight. You might find, for example, that you reach a plateau where your initial fast weight loss evens out. Or, you may simply find it hard to stick to your diet and/or exercise program. Reasons like these see many of us simply give up and go back to our old eating habits.

These issues can all be avoided with a few smart motivational tips that will keep you on the straight and narrow. The fact is that the motivation that you have to lose weight is what will make the pounds disappear just as much as the food that you eat and the exercise that you take.

One good way to keep yourself motivated to lose weight is to give yourself a goal. This could be as simple as saying to yourself: 'I need to lose 10lbs to fit into the dress I want to wear to my office Christmas Party' or, 'I want to lose some weight so that I feel fitter and I can go to the park and play soccer with my kids'. Giving your weight loss a goal can make it easier to succeed here as you have something tangible to aim for.

For lots of people achieving a specific goal is made easier if they write it down. Somehow this simply makes it more real. It's also a good idea, if you keep unhealthy snacks or food in your home for other people, to stick a note on the refrigerator or food cupboards with your goal written on it. This may just well make you think twice before reaching for a snack.

Another way to make sure that your motivation stays constant is to ask for the help of others. Tell your friends and family about your weight loss aims and ask them to help you out. If you feel a bit low and think about reaching for sugary snacks, talk to them about how you feel and they may make you feel better.

It's also a good idea to try and persuade your family (or the people you live with) to eat the same food as you and to cut out unhealthy foods. This way you can motivate each other, keep yourselves healthy and avoid those situations where someone is snacking on something you'd love to eat but shouldn't!

One of the easiest ways to get demotivated when it comes to weight loss is by setting yourself a goal or target that will be hard to achieve or that will take a long time. So, for example, if you decide that your aim is to lose 10lbs and you find after the first couple of weeks that you've only lost 2lbs then you may find it hard to carry on.

However, if you break down your target into smaller, achievable chunks then you will find it much easier to stay motivated. Here, you could simply decide that you want to lose 10lbs over three months and then set yourself smaller weekly or monthly goals. You'll ace some of these goals quicker than expected which will make you feel great and if you do have a lapse on the way then it'll be much easier to deal with.

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Eliminate Your Cravings And Succesfully Lose Weight With This Natural Weapon

By Debbie Vera

We all know that getting fat is unfortunately an all too easy task. While there are a lot of factors that make your body store those unwanted fats; it will never be an healthy hobby. The flip side is that losing that fat isn't all that easy as it is gaining. You have to be more patient for this task and it will require some extra effort to achieve the desired body.Therefore most people will not put in the extra effort and just keep on gaining the extra pounds.

No wonder the marketplace is full of products that all promise a fast way of losing weight. Most of them are probably to good to be true. There is one product that has made it's way into a high trust ranking with consumers. Acai Berry' s name is now synonymous with incredible weight loss results and the impact on the market has been spectacular.

The acai berry originally comes from Brazil.Growing in the rainforrest it contains one of the most effective ingredients for a weight loss product. The acai berry can help you lose weight faster than you think. When it comes to the weight loss agenda in general there are unfortunately some products that claim to be super effective and claim to be the best in the acai berry weight loss category.

An authentic acai berry weight loss product allows you to be on your best outfit again. If you are tired of wearing extra large clothes, want to improve your agility, and wish to touch your toenails easily, then acai berrys power is what you need. This is the only thing that you need and not the other too good to be true pills and other diet supplements.

The cost of a good acai berry product is actually quite reasonable when you consider the health benefits and you will be finally able to get off those trail and error unproven diets fads. You still will be able to enjoy your foods and won't have to use a treadmill for hours at an end. By simply sticking with your trusted brand of acai berry you won't be wasting any more money on those other diet pills.

More than just a successful weight loss acai berry will help you with your sugar content in your body. Due to it's antioxidants your lower blood sugar content means less carbohydrates and that means less fat. While you still be able to eat your favorite food it will help you curb the cravings and you will find that you will simply eat less.

Whats more interesting about acai berry is that, it is a natural weapon that you can use to fight your unhealthy fats. It enhances your digestive system, gives you a clearer eye sight, and helps you to be more romantic during love making moment. All these can be yours with no side effect.

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Baby Room Ideas

By court

This would help you with childrens furniture. This is a convention like that. I definitely give this a lot of thought. People tend to ask the same questions over and over again. Your goal should be to look into the done deeds about Baby Room Decorating . This is a way to success while freeing up Baby Room Decorating. One way to get more this is to build a Baby Room Decorating . I feel vindicated. It makes me feel dirty

This is a universal phenomenon. This will give you the info that you need to make changes in your Baby Room Decorating . This is some timely information. Maybe there are ways in which we'll never understand childrens furniture. I'm just trying to be protective. childrens furniture is starting to lean more towards Baby Room Decorating . Baby Room Decorating can be grouped into a few major categories. Let's suppose that we accept your Baby Room Decorating offer. I hope I highlighted this well for you. Do you want to feel lustful?

Let's just savor the moment. It is my hope that after reading this you have some kind of idea of what childrens furniture is all about. I'll provide you with steadfast help. But wait, there's one thing about childrens furniture that I haven't said. These results were certified by the highest authority. It is stock how any person mustn't correctly explain a clear circumstance like this. I was afraid I lost you there. My goal at the very start is to get an idea of what Baby Room Decorating is all about. Sounds backward? It's not. Here's the truth about childrens furniture. I wanted to offer a credible guarantee. Once you have discovered Baby Room Decorating , you will still have a lot to do.

How long have I been at it. My advice is to ignore Baby Room Decorating and who has been paying attention. Can you believe it. Strike while the iron is hot. You can't get rich quick. The strategy is pretty clear-cut here. This is an example of good branding. I want to avoid feeling tearful. This has been inefficient so far. As you choose certain childrens furniture, notice the Baby Room Decorating and the this. It's one of the most famous ones around. You're not seeing the results that you should. Let's get down and dirty. Here's a picture of the reality of the situation. I wonder if people view this like I do. I'm as uneasy as a cat near water. That's cool.

It can be sized to fit. I leave these words with you now. This helps you build confidence with Baby Room Decorating . Baby Room Decorating is real important. I have several Baby Room Decorating and feel broken inside. I've been backlogged. As a blogger I enjoy feedback. This is a strategic partnership. Baby Room Decorating is a delicacy. I make $10,000 a year with Baby Room Decorating . I'm feeling kind of puffy today. It's elementary. The kernel of truth here is this: It can't go on like this for much longer. Do you want to avoid not being sanitary? I think you'll find Baby Room Decorating approachable. Let's talk about Baby Room Decorating now.

I'll pimp it up for you: I don't offer any new insights. Then again, probably not. I need a strong commitment from you. I need to get more paying clients. Think about your own behavior. This is where Baby Room Decorating comes in. You will be able to use all of your Baby Room Decorating the right way.

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The 14 Most Popular High Protein Diets. What You Must Know Now!

By Jessica A. Andersen

To lose weight and improve health, many people turn to diets. Government statistics, in fact, demonstrate that about 65% of Americans are obese but 38% have turned to dieting.

The national health Institute has a new survey that demonstrates that about a third of overweight Americans are trying to lose weight by eating fewer carbohydrates. This is due mainly because of the increased popularity of diets like Atkins diet and the South Beach diet.

However the term low carb wasn't created until 1992 when the USDA enunciated America's model food pyramid which included six to 11 servings of grains and starches everyday. Low carbing dates back more than 100 years before the Atkins diet and other trendy diets. In fact, in 1864 William Banting wrote a pamphlet titled a letter on corpulence this manifesto was the first commercial low carb diet.

The most famous low-carb high-protein diets in the world today are:

1. Atkins Diet 2. Living Low-Carb 3. The 7-Day Low-Carb Rescue and Recovery Plan 4. The Glycemic Index Diet 5. NeanderThin 6. Protein Power 7. Schwarzbein Principle 8. Somersizing 9. South Beach Diet 10. Sugar Busters! 11. The Zone 12. Thin for Good 13. Hampton's Diet 14. Carbohydrate Addict's Diet

So, how do you choose the right one for you? When you visit my site you can learn in detail about each of these diets described above. in fact if you visit today and sign up for my free newsletter you'll get a free BMI calculator and a free dieting e-book! Just for visiting today! Click on the blue links below now!

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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Important Note before Buying Green Lipped Mussels Extract

By Paul J. Easton

For the reason of the amount of lipids and other important substances obtained naturally in this marine animal, numerous health advocates consider this green mussel extract can be a powerful anti-inflammatory relieve in strictly natural form only. The green lipped mussel extract was originally developed as another healthy alternative synonymous to fish oils. This is because of its rich content in essential fatty acid omega-3. Extract of the seafood also includes iron, betain, and chondroitin sulphate and all of these substances are theorized to deliver an anti-inflammatory or other preventive result on the body.

The Latin name for the green lipped mussel is Perna canaliculus. This marine creature is also called as the Green Lips, Greenback, or Greenshell mussel. These are all trademarks determined by the New Zealand Mussel Industry Council (NZMIC). In addition, Blue Ocean Institute, a United States environmental agency, has named the green lipped mussel one of the top types of eco-friendly seafood. This particularly is for the appreciation of the manner in which it is farmed.

Some companies speedily realized the possible promise for producing and distributing green lipped mussel extract in the health-conscious market. While it could be a gain to numerous inflammation sufferers, not all extract products are what they exact to be. The problem sets in with the commercialization of the extract.

Part of the trouble is that the NZMIC does not have a mandated definition in place which limits the required elements to call a product green lipped mussel extract. Therefore, there are numerous companies out there which opted to sell a nutraceutical bearing below significantomega-3 or other nutrients.

Until there is a move from the authorities to standardize natural green lipped mussel extract products, the buyer should beware. Select the company with good reputation before making your purchase.

Nz Pure Health is a specialist in New Zealand Green Mussels as a natural dietary supplement. Green Lipped Mussel Capsules have been growingly popular as a great way to combat joint pain, learn more details at NZ Pure Health Natural Anti Inflammatory cures.

For more free information about natural remedies and cures, check out this Natural Cures blog. As mentioned, Green Lipped Mussels are found effective as natural treatment to arthritic pains, log on to treatment arthritis.

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Get the Best Quality Natural Green Lipped Mussel Extracts

By Paul J. Easton

The green lipped mussel extract was first formulated as a choice to fish oils because it is loaded with essential fatty acid, omega-3. Green lipped mussel extracts are uniquely available from a limited number of New Zealand marine farms and a new research has revealed that spring is the foremost time to harvest the green shell mussels to gather the most omega-3 and lipid content. The time of harvesting is critical to guarantee the highest levels of these fatty acids and as ensuring that the product is freeze-dried promptly after removal so that the lipids do not oxidize.

Along with the mussels' omega-3s, extract of the seafood also includes iron, betain, and chondroitin sulphate and all of these substances are found to have an anti-inflammatory or other therapeutic result on the human body. For the reason of the quantity of lipids and other nutrients discovered naturally in this marine animal, some health experts think that this extract can be a strong anti-inflammatory relieve in a non-synthetic form.

As a caveat however, not all green lipped mussel extracts are equivalent. Some companies producing and distributing green lipped mussel extract out there market a nutraceutical containing below acceptable level omega-3 and other important nutrients in their claimed natural green lipped mussel extract. Discerning buyers should carefully analyze the label on the bottle and only consider with a good company when buying green mussel extract as a health supplement.

Until there is a regulation to standardize natural green lipped mussel extract products, the buyer should definitely beware whom to buy. Do some research and select only the company which has a good reputation for providing quality products before making your purchase.

Nz Pure Health is a specialist in New Zealand Green Mussels as a natural dietary supplement. Green Lipped Mussel Capsules have been growingly popular as a great way to combat joint pain, learn more details at NZ Pure Health Natural Anti Inflammatory cures.

For more free information about natural remedies and cures, check out this Natural Cures blog. As mentioned, Green Lipped Mussels are found effective as natural treatment to arthritic pains, log on to treatment arthritis.

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Genie Diet - Is It Suitable For You?

By Frances Norah Smith

It is nothing new for people to go after fad diets in the hope of fast weight loss. No matter how many times they fail you, the charm of fad diets is so irresistible that you seem to be drawn to them each time you notice an attractive claim, and the more attractive and hyped up the claim is the better!

I am not sure if you have heard of Genie Diet before, but it seems to be the new craze among obese adults these days. The point is: if it is just like the other fad diets which preceded it, then it is not worth your time. But what if it is for real? Let's find out the truth about Genie Diet in this article.

Whenever I review a diet, I don't take into account the testimonials on the diet manufacturer's website: more often than not, they tend to be either "fabricated" or offered by people in lieu of some bribe. On the other hand, even if a certain diet program has a few negative reviews, I don't make the judgment call that it is a scam product. After all, no diet program in the world would fit the 'one-size-fits-all' category. Every human body is set up in a unique way; so if the diet used successfully by your friend works for you as well, then thank your stars!

What really matters to me is the proportion of positive reviews to the negative ones, and going by this criterion, I think I would give the Genie Diet my assent! Why? From the reviews I have noticed at third party forums and message boards, most people seem to have gotten positive results (mind you, people aren't given any inactive to post a positive review in public forums and message boards, so you can trust the reviews found in those places more than the testimonials you see on the product's website) from its use!

I also make sure that a decent number of people have gotten positive results with a diet program; even though it is not possible for everyone to lose weight successfully with the same diet program, most, if not all users, should notice some positive changes in their body weight after dieting for a considerable period of time.

Going by that criterion too, Genie Diet scores a high. From what I've noticed in consumer forums, on an average people were able to lose anywhere between 8-10 pounds within just fourteen days, in contrast to the normal rate of 2 pounds per week. Now that is really what I would call a fast and effective weight loss solution!

A big advantage of the Genie Diet is that you don't need to starve or eat boring foods for long periods of time. It is based on the concept of detox weight loss, which is why for the first few days you must not eat anything except the foods recommended by the diet program.

You should also make sure that you don't eat too much during this period, for it is important to keep your stomach empty in order to help it flush out the undigested foods and toxins present inside. As soon as you get rid of these waste products, you are sure to lose anywhere between 8-10 pounds as stated above.

Moreover, once you detoxify your body of these toxins and waste products, it becomes easier for your body to keep your metabolic rate high and burn fat quickly! Your overall health improves as well. As you can see, the Genie Diet is indeed a healthy weight loss program, for it not only helps you get rid of unwanted fat but also makes your body healthy!

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Newborn Baby Clothes - The Basics

By Paula Heron

Getting ready for a new baby is both exciting and nerve racking. There are a lot of things to consider like having the crib ready, having enough diapers for the first few days and enough new born baby clothes.

There are now lots of specialist baby stores such as Babies R Us where you can find everything under one roof. And stores such as Wal-Mart, Target and Burlington Coat Factory also have specialist baby sections where again you can find everything for your new baby. At least when everything is under one roof you don't have to trek from store to store.

When you think about the necessary equipment you need for your baby you immediately think of car seat, stroller and crib. But of equally there is also the question of what basic baby clothes will you need for the first few weeks? And how many of each item do you need?

There is no definitive number of clothes you need for your new baby whether they are baby boy clothes or baby girl clothes. Experienced moms would suggest that practical, easily laundered baby clothes make life a lot simpler in the first few weeks. Baby clothes that are easy to put on and make diaper changing easier are good.

Newborn babies can go through a surprising number of clothes changes in the course of a day so garments that are easy to get on and off make a lot of sense. So which clothes does it make sense to have? Here is a list of articles that are practical for the newborn:

* Make sure you have at least 5-10 onesies, either plain ones for use underneath pants and tops or the fancier ones as outerwear when its warmer.

* Use baby one piece sleeper suits in the first few weeks during the day - you'll need 5-10 of these.

* 4 - 5 baby gowns - I wish these had been around when my children were small, they make diaper changing in the middle of the night so much easier!

* 5-10 bibs - although babies don't take solid food they do have a tendency to drool and spit up.

* Lots of burp cloths - these are a must if you don't want to have to change your clothes as often as you change the baby's.

* Socks: 5 pairs to protect against cold no matter how air conditioned or heated the house is.

* Hats: 2, and choose which type of hat (for example, sun hats or knitted hats) depending on the season and the weather in your part of the country.

* Keep baby warm with one baby coat, choosing the one you want that matches the season and the weather in your part of the world.

* 2-3 hooded towels - makes drying baby's hair easier.

* At least 2 pairs of cotton mittens - no matter how short their nails, babies always seem to scratch themselves.

This is not a definitive list and of course you may find you need more of some things and less of others, depending on how often you plan to do the laundry. Obviously you will want other outfits for special occasions but, for basic everyday life, newborn baby clothes that make dressing and diaper changing easier are essential.

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Physical Therapy Management Of Septic Arthritis

By Lindelwa Laz

If you think about it carefully, regular working out is important for a healthy life and keeping your body free from all forms of illnesses, and although you have no doubt previously heard this, are you aware that working out can assist respite from arthritic conditions? Arthritis physical exercise routines in effect help master arthritis and lessen its various symptoms but not that many people are mindful that arthritis and exercise are very closely connected to one another. Regular physical exercise can help reduce the stiffness and pain around your joints so a frequent routine of physical exercise can not only assist control arthritis but can also raise the quality of life.

Individuals normally believe that physical activity and arthritis don't go together but nothing could be further from the truth. Believe me when I state, physical exercise is the ideal instrument by which you can master and lessen the manifestations of arthritis and continue a pain-free life. Regular exercise can assist you savor day-to-day events without agony or other issues. Physical activity helps keep your body joints strong, contains puffiness and puts back lubrication to the cartilage of the subject joints, helping you by raising your staying power. It can also help keep you stay stimulated and help keep proper weight and as physical activity is the ideal means to get your body into perfect shape, and it helps get rid of all the issues associated with excess fat.

Even though individuals who do not stick to an arthritis physical activity everyday regimen will meet with a few problems, they are likely to go away over a period of time. Exercise ought to improve overall fitness while increasing flexibility and endurance in the joints of the body. If you can incorporate an exercise routine in your daily schedule, arthritis ought to no longer hamper your active lifestyle. A daily physical workout will not merely help lessen the assorted characteristics of arthritis but will in addition help you in your battle with other wellness matters like heart ailments and brittle bones. Exercise is an essential function of every arthritis therapy plan in the same way as medicinal drugs, respite and a particular diet so for general health, you have to take on exercise to your daily routine.

There are 3 types of arthritis exercise that are very capable and helpful: toning workouts, aerobic exercising and motility exercising. Stretching and dance help alleviate stiffness and keep correct joint motion whereas weight training exercises improve muscle strength which supports and protects the affected joints. Toning up workouts are a fantastic way to diminish the weight on your joints but correct positioning is important to prevent any kind of negative issues on your body.

You might even go swimming or cycling to heighten overall fitness and master your weight, as weight management is essential because surplus weight can worsen the effect on the affected joints. Regular physical activity provides numerous benefits, thus try and fit it into your busy schedule for a couple of minutes daily. There are numerous health clubs which you can consider that provide special physical activity procedures for individuals with particular needs.

There are numerous health clubs which you might think about that furnish special physical exercise workouts for individuals with particular needs. So go ahead and add arthritis exercising workouts in your daily life, to experience the difference. You need to go for it if you want to relish a wholesome and pain-free life so do not let this medical condition come in the path of your everyday life. Even though arthritis can't as yet be eliminated, you can effectively control it by keeping a healthy life.

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Friday, March 20, 2009

Your Life and Turmeric - Super Combination

By Borgon Trocepticlon

The inquest of healing herbs and useful concoctions has been in vogue from the earliest centuries. But in actuality you do not have to look far. Just peep in your kitchen and grab the element of wonders called turmeric. Though its healing properties have been acknowledged even before the 18th century, it has become a distinguished herb of today which is used to treat diseases and maladies.

What is it that makes turmeric the most powerful fighting agent against diseases? It contains curcumin which is a chemical compound, well known for its anti inflammatory properties. Curcumin is also responsible for the bright yellow color of the turmeric. Not only that, it has also proved that it creates anti-agents against HIV infection and life threatening cancers.

Turmeric also assists in liver disorders. It aids the liver in bile secretion thus protecting it from radiation and other injurious chemicals. It can also treat hyperacidity, indigestion, high cholesterol and blockage of arteries. Regular use of turmeric can be life-saving for people who have a weak immune system and likely to catch fatal diseases quickly. Turmeric is commonly used in India and other eastern countries, to spice up foods and sauces.

Turmeric also has medicinal and antiseptic properties where acne and wounds are concerned. To treat acne, you can simply crush a handful of neem leaves and mix them with a tsp of turmeric, applying the paste on acne spots. Coconut oil can also be used if neem leaves are not available. A paste of coconut oil and turmeric can be prepared and applied on acne spots to be kept overnight. Two to three days of application is guaranteed to show desirable results.

Wounds can also be healed swiftly by applying turmeric on them. It works by remodeling the injured skin and guards it from outside infections. Frequent application of turmeric on the skin helps it to maintain its glow and shine and ensures that the skin's surface remains smooth and shiny. Multiple skin disorders can also be healed by the continual use of turmeric.

Turmeric's benefits extend even to the blood of the body. If taken regularly in the form of juice, it purifies the blood. It is also a natural detoxifier and can even act as a painkiller. It even helps with Alzheimers disease to a positive extent. Not only that, curcumin is also responsible for the reduction of plaque, tissue inflammation and memory loss.

Hampering the enzyme control which causes swelling, inflammation and pain in the arthritis disease is also the role of turmeric. Sugar levels in the blood are also regulated and diabetes is kept in considerable check by turmeric.

Turmeric has countless benefits. Making it an integral part of your diet by utilizing it as a spice to season your food will safeguard your health and ensure your well-being. It is a very economical medicine suited to heal your maladies.

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Simple to Follow Weight Loss Tips

By Jose Grinden

The number of people who commence a weight loss program every day is mind blowing and the amount of them that will fail is equally astounding. So why should this be when there is plenty of good, proven information available?

The predominant reason for that failure to lose any weight is simply because the vast bulk of people who try to lose weight just give up too early. There are scores of reasons for this, however one of the worst is haste. People are often in too much of a rush and expect to get results too swiftly and when that crops up, they merely give up, in the belief that it has failed for them. So here are five facts regarding losing weight which could cause you to change your own strategy with respect to losing weight.

Aiming to lose weight too swiftly by crash dieting could be extremely injurious to your health. Your body naturally resists your efforts to do this by checking your metabolism by attempting to counteract the withheld nutrients, thereby decreasing the cogency of the diet. When you cease dieting and resume eating as normal again, your body is going to stow food as fat in readiness for another bout of starvation, so you will gain even more weight than previously.

Undertaking to lose weight too fast by crash dieting may be highly destructive to your health. Your body naturally resists your endeavours to do this by slowing down your metabolism by trying to counteract the withheld nutrients, thereby decreasing the effectiveness of the diet. When you halt dieting and resume eating normally again, your body is going to stow food as fat in preparation for a subsequent bout of starvation, so you will attain more weight than previously.

Doing strenuous exercises may cause unwanted stress on your muscles when they're unused to it. This can result in muscle and ligament damage which will have an injurious effect on your endeavours to lose weight.

By reducing your intake of calories from food so that it is slightly less than the quantity of calories you consume through exercise, you will lose weight until a perfect balance is arrived at. This is the most basic truth about weight loss and one that you can capitalize on to bring about success.

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